Category: Tuesday


Last time we went out to Golden Gate, Toby took his telescope with and it was lots of fun to look at constellations and planets and so on.  One issue is that it is quite tricky to setup the telescope pointing at something interesting and then get someone else to also see it.  So Toby…

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Welcome to House4Hack

Ayana visited Robohand at House4Hack and made this short video after interviewing some of H4H’s members.  It answers some of the questions new visitors and members have:

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What will happen at h4h tonight? – think i got that parallel dimension thing working..

  Good afternoon, as you might notice i do this ahead of time.. very optimistically.. and if you got a shock- still Tuesday- dont worry.. This is a day early.. not my normal 2 or 3 late… but early. Got that parallel dimension thing working.. here is the evidence…(remember i wanted to store stuff  in…

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