Category: Courses
Introduction to Arduino – Saturday 3 March
by skullkey
This course will introduce students to the Arduino Single Board Microcontroller which is a powerful platform for creating devices that interfaces with the physical world. The Arduino can be used in robotics, art installations, 3D printers, and other do-it-yourself electronics projects. Circuits will be build that utilize sensors and output devices that allow the microcontroller…
Read MoreBasic Electronics Course – Saturday 3 February
by skullkey
Want to learn Arduino and Raspberry Pi but feel overwhelmed by the basic electronics? This is the course for you! This course is about helping you achieve a better level of understanding of the basic electronics principles and components that are commonly used in making on platforms like the Arduino and the Raspberry Pi.…
Read MoreESP8266 Intro Course – Saturday 22 July
by skullkey
Want to add “Internet of Things” to your maker skills? The ESP8266 is a low cost (< R100) chip with full TCP/IP stack! This means connecting your projects to the internet, remotely reading nodes and triggering actions. This course offers a gentle introduction to the ESP8266. We utilise the WeMos development board, which combines the familiar Arduino interface with the…
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Visit us on a Tuesday:
- Join us at 4 Burger Ave, Lyttleton Manor, Centurion every Tuesday evening from 18.00 till late (bring a project to work on or beer)
Telegram Group:
- Send a message to Schalk on Telegram to add you to the group - currently >100 users, relevant conversations for makers
- Schalk 082 777 7098
After hours only, please rather send telegram message - Toby
- Not active at the moment, if you are interested in presenting a course, please let Schalk know