Category: Builds
Internet of Things Build Project using the ESP8266
by skullkey
The last few weeks we’ve been playing with the ESP8266, an Arduino and some sensors and thought we could have a build at H4H for those who want to learn more about this amazing little module. Build description: We will be showing you how to interface your Arduino with the new ESP8266 wifi module…
Read MoreRoboBeast hot off the production line
by skullkey
On Saturday we got to play with one of the RoboBeasts fresh off the production line – Arnold took these stunning pictures: Apart from helping out with the testing (uhmm…yeah right), the reason for us wanting to use the RoboBeast is, it is FAST!!! If you have ever messed around with 3d printing, you…
Read MoreHigh Altitude Glider Video
by skullkey
Philip tells the story of our High Altitude Glider FPV flite. The project was a huge success and went without a glitch…we released the glider at 20000 ft and the balloon + camera payload went to 32km. We completed this project in collaboration with the HABEX team – we loved working with these like-minded guys,…
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Visit us on a Tuesday:
- Join us at 4 Burger Ave, Lyttleton Manor, Centurion every Tuesday evening from 18.00 till late (bring a project to work on or beer)
Telegram Group:
- Send a message to Schalk on Telegram to add you to the group - currently >100 users, relevant conversations for makers
- Schalk 082 777 7098
After hours only, please rather send telegram message - Toby
- Not active at the moment, if you are interested in presenting a course, please let Schalk know