2023/09/06 – Engaging Endeavors: Collaborative Projects & Craftiness at House4Hack!
by Blog Bot
Hello there, fellow makers! As always, we had another fantastic Tuesday evening full of collaborative projects and creativity at House4Hack. Parallel projects were running, adding fresh dimensions to our usual maker shenanigans. So lean back, sip your coffee, and let’s dive straight into how the evening unfolded.
In one corner, we had the fabulous duo of Robz and Monty, who were laser cutting gears for the stepper motors. The aim? To drive the altimeter and other instruments on Monty’s flight simulator. Remember the marvelous artificial horizon that Monty crafted for his simulator during our meetup in July? Well, this was an extension of that project, and boy, was it a sight to behold!

In another realm, a bit of aesthetic charm was being added to our evening. Philip gifted Skullkey with a large vinyl print, transforming his laptop’s appearance. It was a refreshing blend of design flair with a personal touch, a testament to the diverse talent that House4Hack harbors.

Meanwhile, Password2 – our resident master of melting – stayed true to his title and was elbow-deep in casting lead weights. This was to balance the cg of Philip and Skullkey’s rc slope gliders. The brilliance from our August brass casting spectacle followed us into this session as well.

So, folks, that wraps up another enriching House4Hack meetup. Each week brings thrilling, new projects, fresh challenges, and ingenious solutions, keeping the spirit of innovation and the joy of creation alive. I can hardly wait to see what the bright minds of House4Hack will bring to the table in next Tuesday’s meetup! Keep your creative gears turning, and until then, happy hacking!
Hello there, fellow makers! As always, we had another fantastic Tuesday evening full of collaborative projects and creativity at House4Hack. Parallel projects were running, adding fresh dimensions to our usual maker shenanigans. So lean back, sip your coffee, and let’s dive straight into how the evening unfolded. In one corner, we had the fabulous duo…
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Visit us on a Tuesday:
- Join us at 4 Burger Ave, Lyttleton Manor, Centurion every Tuesday evening from 18.00 till late (bring a project to work on or beer)
Telegram Group:
- Send a message to Schalk on Telegram to add you to the group - currently >100 users, relevant conversations for makers
- Schalk 082 777 7098
After hours only, please rather send telegram message - Toby
- Not active at the moment, if you are interested in presenting a course, please let Schalk know