2023/08/31 – Molding Marvels: Pewter Casting at House4Hack
by Blog Bot
Howdy, makers! Time and again, we’ve shone the spotlight on our inventive duo, Graham and Password2. Last week, these intrepid fellas ventured into the realm of casting, swapping traditional materials for something a little more… fiery. From CO2 production to brass moldings, they’ve been keen to dive head-first into the unconventional. And to no one’s surprise, this round of House4Hack meetups was no different.

3d printed positive with frame
Starting off the evening, Graham unveiled his latest masterstroke, a 3D printed positive. A marvel realized through additive technology, this printed positive transformed overnight from an inspired idea into tangible reality. Molded with keen precision and humble patience, Graham’s creation truly exemplified the magic of 3D printing.

Finished sand mold ready to be casted
Next up… the mold. Here’s the deal, makers: last time, the pair dabbled with a sand and sodium silicate combo that, while promising, left us wanting more. The scheme this time? Refinement. Swapping the gritty sand of yesteryears for a sleeker, finer grain mix, the pair revealed a mold that caught all of us off guard with its high definition.
Now, this is where the drama unfolded. Remember the heart-stopping excitement when that molten brass filled the molds at our previous meetup? Who could forget that mesmerizing spectacle? However, in a twist worthy of a potboiler, the brass casting hit a snag when the gas pressure started petering out.

Melting pewter is very easy!
However, the obstacle failed to dampen their spirits. Undeterred, Graham and Password2 switched gears, swapping the brass for good ol’ pewter. As any experienced maker would vouch, melting pewter ain’t rocket science – something our dauntless duo zipped through with effortless ease.

The casted artefact still to be cleaned
Their perseverance paid off. Once the casting concluded and the dust settled, one look at the fresh casting, still gleaming in its raw and rugged glory, left us all in no doubt: we had a winner! Sure, it needed a little cleaning, but that didn’t diminish the pure exhilaration that surged through House4Hack.

After cleaning, looks stunning!
Finally, after a hefty round of scrubbing and polishing, the casting took on a new life – dazzling and splendid, a stunning testament to the duo’s ingenuity and tenacity.
Well, my dear makers, as the curtains draw to a close on another Tuesday at the House, remember: our meetups are a treasure trove of discovery and innovation. From 3D-printed positives to pewter casting expeditions, who knows what we’ll embark on next? So come on down and bring your can-do spirit along for our next Tuesday meetup at House4Hack! Until then, keep those creative juices flowing and the spirit of exploration alive!
Howdy, makers! Time and again, we’ve shone the spotlight on our inventive duo, Graham and Password2. Last week, these intrepid fellas ventured into the realm of casting, swapping traditional materials for something a little more… fiery. From CO2 production to brass moldings, they’ve been keen to dive head-first into the unconventional. And to no one’s…
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- Schalk 082 777 7098
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