2023/08/15 – Taking a Small Step at House4Hack with a Tiny Laser-Milled Breadboard

Well, howdy, makers! Gather ’round the glowing screens as I take you back in time to this Tuesday’s jovial jamboree at the House. Our beloved Password2 took centerstage, putting our minds to the test and our excitement at ease with his innovative laser milling marvel – a wee 10 pin breadboard.

Now, for those of y’all joining us for the first time, or if the phrase “laser milling” has you scratching your noggin, let me quickly treat you to a delightful description. Laser milling, folks, is the happy marriage of laser cutting and laser engraving. The new couple works together, combining their unique talents to produce gorgeous 2.5D shapes, much like a three-sided coin. Compiled from sturdy acrylic, Password2’s mini breadboard was a stunning testament to laser milling’s potential.

Tiny bread board before assembly

Tiny bread board before assemblyWhittling something so intricate from a robust material sure ain’t easy, but that’s Password2 for y’all – always ready to tackle the impossible with a DIY twinkle in his eye.


Now if you recall the fuss and fun we had last month with a healthy dose of laser cutting, you’d reckon the House sure loves this technology. And you’d be spot on, dear readers. The diverse projects from Monty, Password2, and Skullkey just went to show how versatile and handy laser cutting can be. Now seeing Password2 combine cutting and engraving to make his delicate little breadboard makes it clear – the sky’s the limit when this technology is in the right (maker) hands!

Tiny bread board on a tiny laptop ;)

Tiny bread board on a tiny laptop 😉


But our night’s story doesn’t end with the creation itself. No sir! Once the mini breadboard was assembled and raring to go, Password2 wasted no time in putting it to the test. Out came an LED light, and voila, the little board lit up like a tiny Christmas tree on a cold winter’s night.

Testing the tiny bread board with an led

Testing the tiny bread board with an led

A sight as delightful as fresh-baked biscuits, I swear! It was a proud moment for everyone at the House, but most importantly for Password2, whose tireless effort and ingenuity brought this project to life.

With the successful test, Password2 rounded off the night with a spark in his eye and a fresh idea. Y’see, making the breadboard hadn’t been a walk in the park. It required six meticulous passes with the laser cutter, each with its specific strengths and speeds. But ever the problem-solver, Password2 declared his intent to write custom code to simplify this process.

Password2 is planning to write custom code to simplify the laser milling process

Password2 is planning to write custom code to simplify the laser milling process


As we draw the curtains on another fun-filled Tuesday at the House, it’s times like these that serve as a stark reminder – at House4Hack, we’re all about exploiting technology for good, learning, sharing, and of course, having a rollicking good time. Whether it’s laser cutting or milling, 3D printing, or just a healthy, hearty discussion, our meetups are the place to let imaginations run free and the hammer of creation hit the anvil of innovation.

Can’t wait to see what comes to life at the House next Tuesday. Until then, my dear makers, keep pushing boundaries and keep making the world go ‘wow’ with your incredible creations!

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Well, howdy, makers! Gather ’round the glowing screens as I take you back in time to this Tuesday’s jovial jamboree at the House. Our beloved Password2 took centerstage, putting our minds to the test and our excitement at ease with his innovative laser milling marvel – a wee 10 pin breadboard. Now, for those of…

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