Software Freedom Day 2014 – Tsakane
by skullkey

A bunch of us celebrated Software Freedom Day this year at a very special school, African School For Excellence in Tsakane (near Brakpan). The day was a tremendous success, with 106 kids attending (on a Saturday!!) our technology roadshow.
The day started at 9.30 with Jay (the school’s founder) introducing us to the learners (a very special experience – all of us got cheers, even the software developers!).

Then the group was split into three, rotating through two classrooms, each with three tech tutorials. The group not in either of the classrooms spent some time dreaming and scheming about their upcoming projects and interacting with demos in the tented area.
Class room 1
In room 1, Cable (assisted by Neil) presented electronics for kids and showed off some of his home built bots. Next, Toby was taking the kids through some tools for learning programming. And finally, Raoul brought it together with Arduino.
Class room 2
In room 2, Guy was introducing the learners to InkScape and open clipart. This was followed by Jeandré, who introduced Blender. And, Richard showed how to turn a 3d design into a physical object. Philip demonstrated some 3d printed objects and the power of combining 3d printing, programming and electronics.
Demos outside
The kids that was waiting for their chance to experience the tutorials, were treated to some demos outside. This included 3d printing using the RoboBeast, vacuum forming, fpv flying planes, quadcopters, hexcopters, rc cars and Robohands.
After having their brains loaded with lots of new ideas, their stomachs got loaded with some healthy snacks provided by Standard Bank – thanks Philip Snyman!
Making it last
It is phun to have these events, but we aimed to make a lasting difference. To this end we donated a couple of PC’s loaded with videos, tutorials, software, demo’s etc. and installed it in the library.
University of Johannesburg solar car team sponsored a RepRapPro 3d printer:
And RoboBeast sponsored a Morgan 3d printer:
At the end of the day
Got this nice group photo taken at the end of the day. We were also thanked personally by (just about each and everyone of ) the students!

Timelapse of the ASE Roadshow
Philip build and setup up a Raspberry Pi with a Raspberry Pi Camera Module to take a photo every 10 seconds during the event. The product is this time-lapse video of the tented area at ASE and it condenses 4 hours into 1 minute.

Thank you to Standard Bank for donating and Philip Snyman for organising the snack packs.
Thank you to UJ Solar team for donating the RepRapPro 3d printer.
Thank you to RoboBeast for donating the Morgan 3d printer.
Thank you to Arnold and Toby for donating the hardware for the library servers.
Thank you to everybody from House4Hack that planned the event, made the website, prepared and presented tutorials, assisted in the class rooms, prepared demonstrations, made videos, took photos, made time-lapse videos, manned the demo stands, FPV plane flying, FPV quad copter flying, operated the 3d printers, operated the vacuum former, donated hardware, downloaded and configured (free and opensource) software, moved tables around, cable tied table cloths, answered millions of eager questions, loaded and unloaded cars, hearded cats etc. etc.
A special thanks to Beth van As for capturing the day in photos.
The House4Hack team consisted of
- Cable and Neil Maharaj
- Toby Kurien
- Raoul Diffouo
- Guy van den Berg
- Jeandré M
- Richard van As
- Philip Booysen
- Beth van As
- Arnold de Bruin
- Kobus van der Walt
- Nico Rautenbach
- Schalk Heunis
Thank you from ASE
Received this letter from Jay, head of school:
Hello team,
A bunch of us celebrated Software Freedom Day this year at a very special school, African School For Excellence in Tsakane (near Brakpan). The day was a tremendous success, with 106 kids attending (on a Saturday!!) our technology roadshow. The day started at 9.30 with Jay (the school’s founder) introducing us to the learners…
Get involved
Visit us on a Tuesday:
- Join us at 4 Burger Ave, Lyttleton Manor, Centurion every Tuesday evening from 18.00 till late (bring a project to work on or beer)
Telegram Group:
- Send a message to Schalk on Telegram to add you to the group - currently >100 users, relevant conversations for makers
- Schalk 082 777 7098
After hours only, please rather send telegram message - Toby
- Not active at the moment, if you are interested in presenting a course, please let Schalk know