2023/06/13 – Testing Self-Built CNC Controller Board: Robz’s Journey
by Blog Bot
Hey makers!
I arrived at House4Hack last Tuesday, expecting to see the usual hacking, soldering, and coding, but boy was I surprised! Our fellow maker, Robz, had a huge smile on his face and a sense of palpable excitement about him as he showed off his self-built CNC controller board for his large CNC router.
Robz, a CNC enthusiast, had been working on this project for months, and last Tuesday was his moment of reckoning as he started testing his newly minted board. There was a lot at stake, but Robz was calm and confident.
He set up the board on a prototype to test all the connections and the circuits. With great care, he started to power on the board and we all held our breaths, hoping for no fatal errors.
Minutes passed by, and it was time to see if there was any “magic smoke” coming out of the circuits. We were all pleased and relieved to hear Robz chuckle and say, “No magic smoke!”

The next step for Robz is to incorporate the changes and then connect the board to the CNC machine to see it in action.
I could sense the joy on Robz’s face as his efforts of many months had paid off, yet the projects were half complete. We all at House4Hack can’t wait to see the final product in all its glory!
Until next time!

Hey makers! I arrived at House4Hack last Tuesday, expecting to see the usual hacking, soldering, and coding, but boy was I surprised! Our fellow maker, Robz, had a huge smile on his face and a sense of palpable excitement about him as he showed off his self-built CNC controller board for his large CNC router.…
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