Author: Tooblippe
Captain Hackdock
by Tooblippe
HI Guys, We need a nice caption for this photo! Leave comment below or go to the Google Group Link
Read MoreRasberry Pi – Now in Kuruman
by Tooblippe
I was amazed when I found this at the Rasberry Pi tracker site – . This is awesome. Hackers everywere. We can use this map to find fellow hackers! Well done dudes in Kuruman! You had your Rpi first man! I am still waiting in the big city!!!!
Read MoreChange that tune – throw something
by Tooblippe
A while back I assisted 21tanks to put together the massive Game n Watch. That one went a bit viral. They recently contacted me to assist them in getting this music hack into their office as well. Watch this space. Will keep you posted on the design and end product. The basic idea Throw something…
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- Join us at 4 Burger Ave, Lyttleton Manor, Centurion every Tuesday evening from 18.00 till late (bring a project to work on or beer)
Telegram Group:
- Send a message to Schalk on Telegram to add you to the group - currently >100 users, relevant conversations for makers
- Schalk 082 777 7098
After hours only, please rather send telegram message - Toby
- Not active at the moment, if you are interested in presenting a course, please let Schalk know