3D printed DEM
- by skullkey
Found a digital elevation map for South Africa and using some R code turned it into an STL – I think it came out pretty nice:
The elevation is about 1000 times exaggerated to scale – the final print measures 200x200x35 mm
The STL can be downloaded here
I used the following R code:
library(raster) library(rasterVis) library(r2stl) a.loaded <- raster("sa.vrt") gf <- focalWeight(a.loaded, 0.05, "Gauss") a <- focal(a.loaded, w=gf) a <- aggregate(a, fact=10, fun=mean) a.crop <- crop(a, extent(12,36, -35, -22)) a.matrix <- as.matrix(a.crop) a.matrix[is.na(a.matrix)] <- 0 x <- 1:dim(a.matrix)[1] y <- 1:dim(a.matrix)[2] r2stl(x,y,a.matrix, filename="sa.stl")
Found a digital elevation map for South Africa and using some R code turned it into an STL – I think it came out pretty nice: The elevation is about 1000 times exaggerated to scale – the final print measures 200x200x35 mm The STL can be downloaded here I used the following R code: library(raster)…
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